L-SYSTEMS GENERATOR is a 2D/3D modeling tool for Windows based on L-SYSTEMS and cellular automata originally written in c# as a tool for my university art courses and to research generative art, fractals, natural forms, modular designs, patterns, algorithmic architecture and music. L-SYSTEMS GENERATOR includes a set of experimental post- production tools to edit, morph and combine L-SYSTEMS models using genetic and artificial life metaphors.
Generate fractals organic forms, develop modular architecture and industrial designs mock ups, buil 3D image processing filters or create generative art with DOL, timed, stochastic, parametric L-Systems. Experiment generative grammars algorithms. Edit parametric models interactively and in real time.
Write, load, save and edit grammars, axioms, rules and special behaviors using interactive tools and an easy to use interface that lets you change parameters in real time. Improve L-Systems functionality and use special symbols, macros, functions, masks, automatic behaviors to create and edit complex 2D/3D objects. Export files to Rhino, POVRay and 3DMax. Support STL file format.